Making The Shift

Kiana Webb
2 min readOct 7, 2020

Most of the time, before even starting my workout sessions, I have already told myself that I can’t do it. I tell myself how hard it will be to complete and how much it will hurt. I imagine myself going to work or moving on to another task when my workout is over, sore, or depleted of energy. At that moment, I become aware of what I am doing to myself — sabotaging what I can do as I imagine all the hardships and struggles when it isn’t always so.

Making the shift from thinking yourself unable to complete a task to thinking yourself able takes awareness and lots of practice. In those moments of self-doubt, I concentrate on what I am trying to accomplish and making that goal the most important thing. So, when I am in doubt, I am not focusing on the fear or struggle but on the results I want to create and the long-term benefits for myself.

Limiting beliefs can be roadblocks for anything and everything you set out to do. Make the shift by not letting anything stop you from getting where you want to be because nothing is more important than where you want to go or what you want to do. Don’t allow a limiting belief to become a lifetime excuse — rather accept it as a momentary thought that will pass. Keep in mind what will lead you to joy and have that be your motivation to shift your mindset.



Kiana Webb

President & COO of Webb Family Enterprises, and mother of 3 living each day with purpose!